Rethinkdb enables Perl programs to interact with RethinkDB in a easy-to-use way. This particular driver is based on the official Python, Javascript, and Ruby drivers. To learn more about RethinkDB take a look at the official documentation.
Read more about each module below.
Rethinkdb enables Perl programs to interact with RethinkDB in a easy-to-use way.
This module handles communicating with the RethinkDB Database.
This file is automatically generated to enable this driver to serialize & deserialize RethinkDB Query Langauge messages.
Rethinkdb::Query is a type of query.
Rethinkdb::Query::Database is a type of query that represents a database.
Rethinkdb::Query::Table is a type of query that represents a table in a database.
All responses from the driver come as an instance of this class.
This module contains internal utilities used by the RethinkDB perl driver.